For starters, our experience in Myanmar was nothing short of amazing and left a deep impression on us both. Some of the things I’ve seen have changed the way I look at the modern world and how I feel about government in general. The Myanmar people are the most gentle, honest, simple, happy, hard working, unfortunate yet content people I have seen in Asia. They never complain about anything even if they have to ride on the roof of the local transport and pay the same as those with seats. Myanmar is so isolated from the outside world, being here is like going back in time. They still use the telegraph, and the government only lets most places have power at certain times of the day. I have been so overwhelmed with compassion for these people and am clueless on how to process are our short time with them.
I wrote a lot more about my impressions of the Myanmar government, and how it affects the people... but I thought it would be better not to post it... so here are some of the photos.

Bethany you have got to become a priest, minister or rabbi. You would be good at it.
I know of a terrific female minister, and her husband is a photographer. She presides over weddings and baptisms, and her husband captures the moment.
Happiness is a choice and Happiness leads to faith, and faith leads to happiness.
Please consider it.
Hi guys, I look forward to hearing about some of those thoughts someday. Your pictures? I think in my mind they keep getting better and better, but they have always been pretty sinkin amazing. Love from San Diego. Oh, and Blaine, you'd be pretty proud of my surfing skills. I'm starting to shred the gnar SD style!
sorry one of your lenses is broke. :( Go add me as your myspace friend Tink....yes for the 100thgazillionth time. :)
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