The second day we went out there we climbed to the top of the crested half dome thing. I didn’t think it was going to be as cool as it was, but this place was incredible! It was a true Enya/the hills are alive moment. Nothing compares to being lost in nature it its purest form. It’s amazing how different your perspective becomes when you gain a little altitude and see how small you really become in the vastness of your surroundings. The jagged green cliffs rising up from ocean and the tall grass that covered the crest are impossible to even describe in words. On top of all this, on our way down off the cliffs the sun broke through the clouds and the whole sky lit up right before us, and a rainbow hit the horizon. Both of our jaws just dropped in awe. I am being totally honest when I say that I just had to put my camera down because the pictures I was taking did it no justice and don’t even touch how beautiful this moment was. It seemed to happen just for the two us.

I LOVE you two so very very much!..just a reminder.
You guys look great! I'm so glad you're having so much fun!
Don't be fooled, I am working on your website! E-mail me sometime. Keep having awesome adventures!
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